You are not alone in your Sickle Cell care

The Healing Tree connects you to the vital resources you need to live a healthy, meaningful life while managing Sickle Cell. There is help for your journey.


In partnership with organizations throughout the region

Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew,
The Cornerstone Fellowship Baptist Church
Lutheran Community Services
he St, Patrick's Center
Bethel AME Church
Abundant Life Apostolic Church of Wilmington
The Praying Ground, S.U.N.
Healing Tree

Faith-Based Comprehensive Support for Every Family 

The Healing Tree’s branches stretch across your community, connecting you with a wealth of faith-based care. The Healing Tree works to provide access to the life-sustaining resources recommended (but rarely ever provided) by your formal healthcare provider.

Nourish Program
Provides families with medically tailored groceries for 10 meals per week (up to 6 months), pairing them with a Food Coach to enhance their nutritional knowledge and cooking skills.
Sunny Day Fridge
Ensures access to fresh fruits and vegetables weekly, empowering families to choose healthy options that suit their tastes.
SCD Family Fellowship
A quarterly meet-up for patients, families, and providers to share experiences and best practices, fostering a supportive community.
Transportation Assistance
Offers help with travel to medical appointments, ensuring consistent care through free bus passes and transportation services.
Vitamins and Medicine Support
Supplies essential vitamins and over-the-counter medicines, free of charge, to cover needs not met by insurance.
Tutoring and Educational Support
Provides tutoring for children affected by hospital stays or needing school readiness help, ensuring their educational progress.
Life Skills Mentor
Supports young adults transitioning to adult care with guidance on life skills and future planning.
Vocational and Educational Assistance
Aids individuals accepted into vocational or educational programs with the necessary equipment and resources for success.
Good nutrition is essential for patients managing sickle cell disease. The Healing Tree SCD fills refrigerators in partner clinics with fresh produce so patients can make healthy choices Our partner in this work is Lutheran Community Services. Certain vitamins are also essential and can be obtained for free in partner clinics. Ask your provider to write a short prescription and you can pick up your free vitamins in the clinic pharmacy.
Of respondents indicated faith is an important factor in their life
Families have unmet needs
Over 200 individuals have already taken advantage of our pilot program.
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Spiritual Care

The Healing Tree recognizes that managing sickle cell disease goes beyond the physical symptoms; it encompasses a spiritual journey that touches the core of our being. 

Our spiritual care program is designed to address the unique spiritual needs of our patients, acknowledging that faith plays a significant role in their lives and healing process. Utilizing the FICA* (Faith, Importance, Community, Address) tool for spiritual assessment, we delve into the heart of each patient's faith journey, understanding its importance in their life, their connection with a faith community, and how these elements can be integrated into their care plan. 

This process is not a mere add-on; it is a foundational aspect of our holistic care approach, ensuring that our patients' spiritual needs are met with the same diligence as their medical needs. Through personalized spiritual support, we offer a sanctuary for hope, strength, and healing, acknowledging that spiritual well-being is intrinsically linked to physical health. 

This comprehensive approach ensures that our patients feel seen, heard, and cared for, not just as patients but as whole individuals navigating the complexities of sickle cell with faith and resilience.

* Source: Institute for Faith & Spirituality at GWU, Dr. Christina Puchalski

Get Help Now

At The Healing Tree, care means building lasting relationships, providing tailored support, and empowering you to thrive despite the challenges of sickle cell disease.

The Difference between Treatment and Care

Navigating the journey of sickle cell disease is no small feat. The average sickle cell patient is bombarded by countless appointments, medications, dietary restrictions, and reams of information to properly care for themselves. We understand that medications and appointments are necessary but not enough.

Medical treatment is transactional
Medical treatment is a transactional one-way street where the patient is confined to following prescribed plans without much room for their voice to be heard or their unique circumstances to be considered. On the other hand, community and faith-based care is a relationship. 
Medical care is relational
Care is relational, long-term, and deeply personal. It's about listening intently to the stories, struggles, and successes of each individual we serve. It's about connecting you to a broader network of organizations that walk along side you to increase your access to the necessary resources you need to live a meaningful life while managing sickle cell disease.

At The Healing Tree SCD, care means building lasting relationships, providing tailored support, and empowering you to thrive despite the challenges of sickle cell disease.

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Your stories

The Healing Tree is your story. Our volunteers, staff, and partners are made up of people whose families have been nurtured by the community resources we provide. Hear how this work has changed their lives.

From the Roots to the Leaves

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The Healing Tree
Like a tree, our foundation—the trunk—is rooted in medical treatment, providing the necessary stability and strength. Extending from this trunk, the branches symbolize our care strategies; they reach out, adapting and growing to meet the unique needs and challenges of each individual we serve.

However, a tree cannot flourish without its leaves, which represent the vital resources and support provided by the community. These leaves form a canopy of support, nourishing and protecting the tree, just as our community's resources enrich the lives of those we care for.

Care, support, and community resources intertwine, creating a living, thriving organism that offers shade, shelter, and sustenance to all who seek refuge beneath its boughs.

The Core of The Healing Tree


Rev. Dr. Pat Weikart
Rev. Dr. Pat Weikart
Janet Tripp
Janet Tripp
Deborah Hagan
Deborah Hagan